The lower stretch of the river just beyond Drew's yard is largely balsam free. One or two patches will need clearing but won't require a large working party.
Around Black Rocks we have seen large infestations in previous years but as yet there is little sign. Further up the river there are some large clumps on the opposite side of the river to the Frome Valley Walkway. We'll have to either wade across, use the fallen log (see photo) or find a path down through the fields on the other side.
Also after crossing the metal footbridge near to Cogmill, there are some large clumps on the opposite bank which will be difficult to get at.
After returning to St Peter's we took a look at the area along Meadow View where there have previously been heavy infestations (see photo below). As yet there is not a huge amount of Himalayan Balsam which gives some encouragement that our clearance activities are having an effect.
Working Party 2013 standing in front of 2m+ tall balsam |
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