A sunnier day than of late but recent rain mean that river levels remain quite high. We revisited the area between Bridge House and Nightingale Bridge which we tackled a few weeks ago. We knew there were some clumps of balsam which we hadn't tackled on our previous visit and were interested to see how much regrowth there had been.
The nettles were 2 metres tall in some places but balsam was beginning to appear above them. A lot of slashing was needed to get through the nettles to tackle the balsam but we cleared a lot from the boundary with Bridge House down to the first gate.
In the areas we cleared last time, there had been some new growth and the odd one we'd missed but the plants were a lot smaller than the clumps which we hadn't tackled.
We sowed some seeds given to us by AIWF to see whether native wild flowers and grasses can be encouraged to re-establish themselves. I'm not sure how they'll get on competing with the nettles and comfrey but it's worth a try.
It will be good to see the results, if any, of the new planting. If this doesn't work then we should maybe try some reseeding later in the year.